domingo, 14 de junho de 2009

Da Weasel in the house

Tomorrow's my first end of semester exam, am I'm going crazy studying all day long. I really needed to chill out, and what better way to do that than going to a Da Weasel concert? That's right, after interrupting my ritual of going to one of their shows at least once a year for the first time in 2008, I started doing it again. It was my 4th show, the 2nd with songs from the last album (which I absolutely despise), and honestly it was better than I thought it would be.

Maybe they realized that, once the dust settles and the novelty effect wears off, their true fans are the older ones, those who followed their career, not these kids that only listen to them because "it's cool", and the old guys like me like the old songs better. So, they cut a bit on the crap from the last cd, returned with a few old favourites, and overall just gave a good show. Like two years ago they had a big-ass screen on the background (3 screens, actually, a main one in the middle and two smaller parallel screens), unlike in previous years when there was just a painted wall, and this time they made better use of it, with some really cool effects that really added to the music.

(video by me, which explains the quality)

The public, on the other hand, was a bit off. There wasn't a lot of people and most were just standing still, like fucking statues or something. Only the front rows were really into it, jumping, and waving hands, and screaming, and shit, and since the place wasn't that crowded I managed to sneak in until I was just 5 meters or so away from the stage. In fact I was so close I almost caught a water bottle thrown by Jay! But, of course, the fucking prick right in front of me had to catch it... Still, it was the closest I ever was to the band, so it was cool. Also, in the end there was the inevitable mosh pit when they played "Tás na boa", which was fucking great to relieve the stress.

(end of the show, again photo taken with my cellphone)

Overall, a great show. And it only cost me one euro! The booth lady was so nice that, instead of charging me and my two friends three euros each (the ticket price), she charged only three euros for the three of us! Fucking win! :D

5 comentários:

Fred disse...

i was there aswell LOL. the lady wasn't nice, the ticket was 1€ for everyone :P

yeah, it wasn't the crowdy i thought it would be, they were pretty energetic considering the croud (i wasn't really into it aswell)..


fred disse...


a neia é que me disse que tavas la, eu nao tinha guita no telemovel e usei o do tó pra te mandar sms a pedir pra vires ter connosco meu...q tavamos (neia,isa,katia,joel,joao,to,etc.) nos mijatorios ao pé dos carrinhes de shoque

NebachadnezzaR disse...

E se ela me viu porque é que caralho não foi ter comigo? Eu mal acabou o concerto bazei logo, não ia ficar lá a fazer nada, e não adivinhava que voces tavam lá. Quando recebi a mensagem já tava a sair de Anadia...

fred disse...

tipo sei la, mas eu é q queria q viesses ter connosco, ficavas na padrada connosco :P

Unknown disse...

Looked like a rockin time man!
Too bad the crowd wasn't rockin for ya.