quinta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2009

I beat Resident Evil!

Yup, that's right. That was a game that just kept haunting me, begging for me to play it, to finally understand what other retrogamers say when talking about it, and now I do :) Of course, by now I pretty much had the whole story spoiled, with everyone talking about it and whatnot, but anywa, it was en enjoyable experience. At least with a walkthrough by my side. Yeah, I know, that's kind of cheating, but neither had the time, nor the patience to play it like it was meant to. Even with the guide I got lost at times, with all the rooms, and corridors, and stairs, and shit... Oh, and the fucking inventory was a royal pain in the ass (I played with Chris, which just has 6 slots while Jill, for some reason has 8. WTF? Where does she keep the extra 2 items? Between her boobs or her legs?...).

Anyway, an enjoyable, and pretty atmospheric, experience. Sorry for not writing more, I'm fucking tired right now...

4 comentários:

Junlee disse...

I have never completed any of the old RE games. But I've been watching all RE Retrospectives on Gametrailers (they're up to Episode 4 now) and they're great!

I also might hit up Umbrella Chronicles since it hits on some of the old games as well.

The Sports Satirist disse...

Out of all of the RE games, the original RE and RE 2 were a hassle to unlock the secret rocket launcher. It is impossible to complete RE in under three hours. They should reward you with that weapon after defeating the Tyrant. RE 3 was reasonable because it allowed you to unlock it by accruing points in the Mercenaries mini game, and those points could be spent on weapons. For obvious reasons, RE 4 was and still is the best. You should play the first RE on the Gamecube. Along with the Twin Snakes, it was one of the better remakes.

Tartaruga Genial disse...

I love Resident Evil! Shame on you for using walkthroughs. xD The game is pretty though even for today “hardcore” standards. But believe it or not I’ve finished it several times back in the days that I had time to play videogames. :(

fatherkrishna disse...

Everyone needs to have played the original Resident Evil. I played it on the DS and I've started the Gamecube remake. Lost my Gamecube memory card though. It's being remade for the Wii... Can't wait!